Wednesday 28 March 2012

Barnaby catches up with the news

Anyone following this blog who might have been worried about the state of Barnaby's drains following the previous post, can now sleep soundly. Following an extensive rodding and cleaning operation at the weekend everything is now flowing fast and smelling sweet.

Alas, the same improvement cannot yet be seen in Barnaby's juggling.  The previous best high score has yet to be matched or beaten. However, following the dictum that practice makes perfect, Barnaby is continuing to practice every day, though he is more optimistic of making it as an author than a juggler, it has to be said.

The weather has been so good this week that the spring flowers outside Barnaby's office window are probably now just about at their best.  A mixture of blue muscari, yellow daffodils and, well, primrose primroses. Temperatures are eight to ten degrees above normal for this time of year.

The new book which is being co-written by five independent authors is nearing completion.  The title is probably going to be 'The Trouble With Thorndyke'.  It will be published as an ebook with any profits going to charity. Details will be posted in this blog when the book is published.  Meanwhile Barnaby's books are, of course, still available via Amazon or Smashwords.  Visit for more information.

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