Sunday 4 January 2015

Vertigo - tales from the Vertigo Research Labs

A NEW COLLECTION of Barnaby Wilde short stories is now available as an ebook download in the format of your choice.

Eleven collected stories from the improbable Vertigo Research Labs.

 How can stairs stop working, when up becomes down? Can something be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside?

 Jepherson Thomas, janitor at the Vertigo labs, tells all in these humorous stories from the world's most unlikely research establishment.

Which duplicate Director is the original and which is the copy? How not to make an invisibility cloak, and what happens when funding is withdrawn?

You can sample the book or download the whole volume at Amazon (for Kindle) or Smashwords (for other e-readers)

You can also find out about Barnaby Wilde's other book titles at and follow him on Twitter @barnaby_wilde

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