Holidays mean different things to different people, of course. If you are working full time, then the holiday is something precious to be anticipated, planned carefully and relished as an alternative to the routine of everyday work. For many folk, this is an opportunity to do nothing, to relax on a beach somewhere, or by a pool. For others, their ideal holiday is indulging some physical activity like sailing, walking, or climbing, and for yet others it's a chance to catch up on repairs to the house or a time to visit friends and family. The essential feature of a holiday, though, is that it's an opportunity to do something different.
For most working people, their holidays will probably be just a couple of weeks a year. For some, especially the self employed, they might be lucky to get even that. Some might think that for folk like Barnaby, who are already retired, life is just one continuous holiday. It's almost true, but there are still plenty of routine chores and financial restrictions which can make that less than an actual reality. Nevertheless, Barnaby considers himself very fortunate to have as many leisure opportunities as he has.

You can find out more at www.barnaby-wilde.co.uk and, of course, if you like what you read, then you could always buy one of the follow up books for your next holiday.
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